There is so much Good News in the world. It is full of people, like you and like me, and God!
25 February, 2011
No More Hershey Kisses!
The money raised will go to SIA projects such as Human Trafficking and scholarship money for families in need.
Vitamins for Haiti
We joined our dear friends at Morris Catholic High School to help the young children in Haiti this past week. The recent outbreak of cholera had left our little brothers and sisters with severe vitamin deficiencies.
21 February, 2011
March 30: Ms. Karen Hatcher, our Regional Director of SIA, will be giving a short presentation on Jefferson Awards Student In Action Program to all the High School Campus Ministers in the Newark Archdiocese. This is in follow-up to Mr. Ken Jennings recent presentation to all the High School Principals in the diocese.
April 5: Regional Competition for Jefferson Award Student In Action Award.
April 8: Speaking engagement at Pro-Life Rally at Seton Hall University to over 800 high school students regarding Jefferson Award Students In Action Program and the importance of volunteer service leadership.
17 February, 2011
"In the blink of an eye"
"Diegan's bill calls for CPR training for students and staff, as well as the development of an emergency action plan in schools to respond to cardiac arrest and other similar crisis. The Assembly has already approved the bill and we are waiting for the Senate t follow suit."
We ask that other schools do not wait till it becomes a law before we do something. Together we can take action to save lives NOW, "one beat at a time."
Works of Mercy
grant that I may not so much seek
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive...
14 February, 2011
New Partnership in Building the Kingdom
God works in mysterious ways! Did you ever hear of the phrase, "If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to the mountain"? Imagine the Lord using the Internet so that we could meet our new sisters at Anthony of Padua High School in Delaware. Today our Students In Action Leadership Team "Skyped" with our the Students In Action Team in Delaware.
We shared ideas for making our world a better place. They will be joining us in our efforts to stop bullying in the local communities and raise awareness for Human Trafficking. Together, we can quadruple our efforts in protecting the human dignity of our brothers and sisters. We are looking forward to meeting them in person at the Leadership Conference in Cincinnati next month. Benedictine Academy earned an all expense paid trip from Jefferson Awards Youth Initiative for four students who are performing extraordinary service leadership. Great things are happening at Benedictine Academy because our students are amazing!
13 February, 2011
BA Award Ceremony
At our convocation on Friday, the auditorium was filled with excitement as students were recognized for their outstanding academic achievements. It is a proud day when we can also honor our students who have dedicated their time and talents in volunteer service to the local community in exceptional ways.
The Jefferson Awards Students In Action Program recognized the following "Unsung Heroes" of our school community, who have displayed extraordinary efforts in making our world a better place.
Chisom Emeana - Her leadership initiative to organize a CPR program for the students and staff is in response to her awareness that sacred lives of our brothers and sisters are at risk.
Ariana Taveras and Andrea Mendoza - They have organized an Anti-Bullying Program and Peer Mediation Workshop. Their leadership initiative is in response to the BA belief that every person deserves respect and human dignity.
Martha Devia - Her dedication and kind heart are unwavering in her drive to lend a helping hand and make a difference in someone's life. Martha follows in the footsteps of Mother Teresa in "doing small things with great love".
Emilie Burke - Her relentless energy inspired her to take the initiative and answer the call to orchestrate a Blood Drive at Benedictine Academy. Her JSA leadership lies in the strong inner determination that she is called to be the best that God created her to be.
Benedictine Academy is an A+ Leadership School.
In Loving Memory
In the rising of the sun and its going down,
Mr. Eliseo Garcia.
Clothe the Poor
06 February, 2011
Pro-Life March
On January 24, 2011, Benedictine Academy in Elizabeth and their brother school St. Benedict's from Newark attended the Pro-Life rally in Washington DC to march for Life. We met with thousands of other people from across the nation to voice their stance on defending life. Marching against abortion was truly an eye opening and moving experience. We want to thank all the other Pro-Life supporters across the nation for raising awareness on this pertinent and ground breaking, 30 year struggle!
We are going to continue to fight for this issue, and Benedictine Academy and St. Benedict's students are looking forward to Seton Hall University Pro-Life Convention in April.
Making a DIfference
Peer Mediation Workshop
The Peace & Justice Club are responding to the recent horrific suicide events at Universities and decided to be proactive in protecting the dignity of all people. Ariana called her sisters together to formulate an anti-bullying campaign to prevent this situation from ever arising in their own school and to spread their message to other schools. At BA, our students live and breathe the Benedictine philosophy of "Whatever hurts my sister hurts me!"
The Campus Ministers have their Hearts united to the Hearts (H.U.H.) of the young girls and children who are being trafficked and sold into child slave labor in the United States and across the globe. Our students painted the above banner and are taking a pledge to raise awareness to stop this global epidemic. As someone said, "No child should be for sale!"
Additional information can be found on our BA WEBSITE. Check for the Human Trafficking drop down under Campus Ministry or go directly to the UN Blue Heart Website. Ministry/Human Trafficking.