16 February, 2008

International Day & Mardi Gras

On Fat Tuesday, Benedictine Academy had a dual celebration for the entire school community. It is our annual tradition for the Language Departments to recognize and embrace the many different nationalities of our school, while Campus Ministry prepares for Lent by the hosting of a Mardi Gras celebration. Following in the footsteps of St. Benedict, we begin all things with prayer. This year we prayed in a special way for an end to human trafficking and peace in our war-torn world. Jennifer de Andrade had a quiet prayer to win the one-of-a-kind hand-painted coconut that is raffled off each Mardi Gras. God heard and answered her prayer! Everyone shared in laughter and joined together as one sacred community as our Sophomore students led the entire school in the coconut conga. A wonderful kick-off for the informative lectures from our guest speakers on the various cultures of the world including Spain, Portugal, Phillipines, Africa, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Italy, and Ireland, to name a few.