10 September, 2011


As we are experiencing the catastrophic flood damage from Hurricane Irene, our sisters and brothers across the globe are suffering from severe drought and famine. They are dying and are in need of our help. Our Students In Action Leadership Team has joined forces with 325 Jefferson Awards High Schools across the country to raise money to build water wells in Eastern and Central Africa. If each school donated $100, they could build five water wells saving over a thousand lives.

Wasting no time, our Senior Campus Ministry Leaders put out a plea for help and began selling bottled water to the school community. Their goal was to raise
$100. as their contribution to making a difference. All their BA Sisters joined their efforts and together they raised $ 247. They were also promised two matching donations of $100 each, which brings us to a grand total of $447.00.

With Africa facing its worst drought in 60 years, affecting more than 11 million people, the United Nations has declared a famine in the region for the first time in a generation. It cost an average of $20 to provide clean drinking water to one person. The next time you reach for that drink of water, join us and say a small prayer for our brothers and sisters across the globe.

Together we can and will make a difference. BA Globe Changers are Leading the Way!