21 February, 2010

Sacred Heart Cathedral

The Most Reverend John J. Myers, JCD, DD, Archbishop of Newark, warmly welcomed hundreds of baptized Catholic Young Adults seeking to complete Christian Initiation. Ten of our students, as members of the St. Catherine of Siena Parish, participated yesterday in the "Call to Continuing Conversion" in Sacred Heart Cathedral.
It was a most beautiful time for our families to join together with other fellow members of the Church community.

17 February, 2010

Ash Wednesday

Although there is snow on the ground, we followed Jesus into the desert for 40 days. The BA community gathered together to pray and receive ashes marking the beginning of the Lenten journey. Our Sisters blessed the Operation Rice Bowls that is part of our traditional Lenten practice of prayer, fasting, and giving alms.

Lent is a most beautiful time to grow closer to the Lord and experience His immense love for you and for us. In honor of this sacred time, all blog messages will be kept as simple as possible.

16 February, 2010


Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday. We gathered together united by God's love to celebrate the amazing hearts of compassion of all our students and staff.

Our Lenten theme this year is the 10/10 challenge. The 10/10 Challenge is a Global Action sponsored by Aviva and Free the Children. At BA, we've made a choice to be leaders of social change in our world. When our students proudly wear their Benedictine Academy uniform, they are sign posts to our brothers and sisters across the planet that someone cares.

Wearing Mardi Gras beads, they formed a circle of love to pray for those who are suffering and for peace in our troubled world. In the background, on a large stage screen we joined the voices of WE ARE THE WORLD 25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glny4jSciVI

08 February, 2010

U.N. Trafficking Protocol

The Olympic Games are rapidly approaching and international sport events often attract people who exploit others for profit. Our students decided to be proactive in encouraging the government to take additional steps to help prevent human trafficking from occurring at the Olympic Games. They wrote letters to Congress sharing their concerns and asking for increased security to keep potential victims safe. Stopping Human Trafficking is a key concern of our BA students. If you are interested in receiving more information or a copy of our documentary, please call Campus Ministry. It is our Mission to preserve the human dignity of all our sisters and brothers. AT BA, we believe "whatever hurts my sister hurts me".

Paper Bag Campaign

We're helping more hungry children get healthy lunches in other schools across the country. Bridges Outreach program has informed us that "Child Nutrition programs are up for federal reauthorization this spring. That means that Congress will have the opportunity to make vast improvements to programs such as School Breakfast and Lunch, Summer Food, and Women, Infants and Children (WIC), so that more children in need will have access to healthy food at home, at school and in the community, helping them learn and grow to their full potential!" Our Campus Ministers gathered the support of their BA sisters to join their voices to the NJ Anti-Hunger Coalition (NJAHC) by decorating lunch bags that will be presented at a press conference at the State House in Trenton and delivered to our Congressional Representative. CHILDREN NEED NUTRITION TO LEARN AND GROW! At BA, we care and are committed to alleviate the suffering in our world.

03 February, 2010

Goodnight Moon!

Our Campus Ministers were hard at work preparing to make soft cuddly fleece pillows for little children without a home. Babysitting at the Elizabeth Coalition for the Homeless is just one of the many ways our BA students are touching lives in the local community. We are committed to caring for the poor and young at risk. Last year over 15% of our student body received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. Service Leadership is at the heart of every student as they live out their Mission to Listen, Learn, Love & Lead.