09 October, 2011

Living Rosary

Hail Mary full of grace, blessed are you among women.
And blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen

This Friday morning, our entire school community journeyed to the chapel of St. Walburga Monastery to pray for the intentions of our school community, friends, benefactors, alumnae, and the needs of our brothers and sisters around the world.

Fifty five students, staff and Benedictine Sisters gathered together to form a Living Rosary to celebrate our Blessed Mother.  Our Senior Campus Ministers led the Our Father in different languages representing their heritages of French, Nigerian, Spanish, Filipino, and Portuguese.  Then the entire school community responded in one sacred voice to the second half of the prayer in English. 

The Gospel Choir sang so beautifully the Salve Regina, as we meditated upon Pope John Paul II's Mysteries of Light.   Our fingers moved prayerfully along the beads of the blessed rosary rings and our hearts were filled with God's grace and love.

At Benedictine Academy, we believe that Jesus is the Light who leads the way.  How blessed are we to share that light with the stranger, the oppressed, our sisters and every person we meet.