01 December, 2011


This past Sunday was the beginning of the Church's new liturgical year, Advent (meaning, "ad-venio in Latin or "to come to").  The Advent season is a time to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus in a deeper way this Christmas season.  

As we prepared our Christmas wreath for the blessing, we also reflected on the new liturgical changes in the Mass.  The Mass had not undergone any revisions since Vatican Council II.  Now was the Time!  Be prepared and on watch for new meanings that are a closer interpretation of the Word of God. 

Although the traditional colors for the candles are purple and rose, we selected the alternative option of blue for the Blessed Virgin Mary and the color of suffering.  This Friday has been declared as the International Day for the Abolition of Modern Slavery.  Let us pray that we replace oppression with the love of God.