06 December, 2011


Each time we celebrate the Liturgy at the Benedictine Sisters' beautiful St. Walburga Monastery Chapel, we are renewed as one body in our Lord, Jesus Christ.   Today was a special day.  After having studied the liturgical changes in the Mass, our students were able to fully engage in the Mass with a clearer understanding of its deeper meanings.  

Our new friend, Father Dong of St. Theresa's Parish, returned as our celebrant.  His prayerful intonation and insightful homilies are such a gift to our school community.

Jesus offers each of us healing if we have faith.  The operative word is faith, to believe.  How often are we blind to the life that God wishes to bestow upon us?  What is it that blinds us in our lives?  Who is it that we act blind to each day?  The Good News is that Jesus desires to heal us from our blindness if only we have faith.  

Our Gospel Choir and Sister Germaine led us in song as we called "O Come, O Come Emmanuel"  during this Advent Season.  We invite all our family and friends to join us every First Friday for the celebration of Liturgy at 10:00 a.m..  All are welcomed.  Please check the website ahead for any changes in the schedule.